Thursday, March 17, 2011

He Laughs

Psalm 2:4a "He who sits in the heavens laughs,"

I hear the laughter of heaven this morning. Do you? This verse is written amidst the context of nations and people conspiring against God...and His response: laughter. I'm encouraged today. My eyes aren't fixed on those that conspire against, but on Him from whom laughter flows. The Lord isn't worried today. He isn't surprised today. He isn't anxiously fearing what's going to happen next. The Lord sits, on His throne, and is laughing.

I believe it is the same laughter that I have when my daughter moans and groans that the 5 minute car ride is taking FOREVER! It is the same laughter that erupts when one of my little ones tries to explain to me how much they know and I don't. It is the same laughter that exists every moment I hold them and tickle them. It is a laughter of love. It is a laughter of knowledge. It is a laughter of a father.

He is laughing today because He loves, He knows, and He is dad.


Adrienne said...

Ahhhh, THANKS! I needed that!

Andrea said...

you have a BLOG. why is this news to me? and you do need to write more and more...because i like reading it.