Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Well...we have been here in Guatemala for almost 12 days now and the time has been packed with memories. I thought I would just list some of the exciting things that we have enjoyed (or endured)...

1) Forgot important things at home (not the girls...thank God).

2) Renting a sweet van (Urvan).
3) Ran into a pole with the rental van 20 minutes after rental.

4) Looking like a fool when I was trying to hit a pinata (check out my wife's blog...it's pretty awful...and I really was trying to smash the thing!)
5) Elena and Adriana fighting off the flu.

6) Traveling to Coban.

7) The smelliest zoo I've ever been to.

8) Giants beating the Patriots in the Superbowl...all in Spanish.

9) Traveling to Tikal.

10) Going one hour out of our way.

11) Getting directions from some guy with a pretty sweet sidearm.

12) All the meals out...and trying to keep the girls happy during the meals.
13) Naranjada con soda and steak.

14) The electricity automatically shutting off at 9 p.m in the middle of the jungle.

15) The jungle sounds.

16) Waking up a 4 a.m. for the sunrise on the temples.

17) Caesar...our guide.

18) Wolf Spiders...tons of them.

19) Exhaustion.

20) Death defying climb up Temple V...if you look close enough in the pic below...that is me at the top.

21) Crazy european who refused to respect gravity.
22) Dinner in Flores.

23) Telling the people not to eat in the same restaurant that we ate in.

24) Tons of inside jokes.

25) Traveling to Rio Dulce.
26) The girls finally get the pool they were dying for.

27) Keila is now pretty sick.

28) Naranjada con soda and steak.

29) 92 kilometer boat ride.

30) Livingston.

31) Eurotrash in the ice cream place.

32) Hot springs.

33) Sulfur caverns.

34) Leaving Jody in the dust when he gets divebombed by bats.

35) Traveling back to Guatemala City.

36) Still traveling back to Guatemala City.
37) Seems like this part of the trip would never end.

38) So sore.
39) Driving towards Pacaya next day.

40) The ridiculously narrow road up to the zip lines.

41) Riding the zip lines through the canopy.
42) Having the first of my safety options fail during one transfer...thank God for the backup.

43) Jody smashing his knee and body when he tried to jump higher in the swing...that was hilarious.

44) Still laughing about that.

45) Driving to the beach.

46) Jody and I having to confront the lovebirds in the kiddy pool.

47) Body surfing in the Pacific.

48) Marveling that I saw the Atlantic and Pacific within 36 hours.

49) Traveling to Pana.

50) Josue repeatedly smashing me with that stupid pillow.

51) Squirting Josue with the water bottle.

52) Enjoying the beautiful view of the lake and the volcanoes from the top of a hotel.

53) Trip to Antigua.

54) Procession through Antigua.

55) Had an awesome time with awesome people.

I'm really having a wonderful time and there are so many more memories that I don't have time to write about...however, I might not write in awhile...so there you go.


Jenn said...

What a great over view....than you so much for sharing.....and the pics are great!!!!

Adrienne said...

now I have to bookmark your blog site, so I can remember where it is! I hope Keila is better!

Mel said...

Okay, plan on either writing a whole lot more or coming over for dinner when you get back and explaining numbers 1-55 in more detail. Love you guys, miss you, Greg and Melanie and Gabriel and Evan