Friday, May 29, 2009


I hate being misunderstood. However, it is inevitable. Someone is bound to misunderstand something you said, did, or what you didn't do. If they haven't yet, you aren't breathing. Maybe it is me, but I don't do well at clarifying something, that in my opinion, was made perfectly clear the first time around. I usually end up diving deeper into a world of misunderstandings.

At least one thing is true, God never misunderstands us. He understands us...perfectly. He needs no clarification. He needs no long, wordy, hard to understand explanation of why we said this or why we did that. He knows why. He knows better than us why. And He still loves us. Cool.

1 comment:

Keila said...

I'm sorry, honey... I don't understand what you're talking about... ;o)